Office of Greek Life Data Request
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Data Request Submitted By

NOTE: This form should be completed and submitted by the alumni advisor. Undergraduates are not permitted to request alumni data.

Dartmouth volunteers are provided contact information for key constituents (alumni, parents, students, and friends) to facilitate the purposes of a particular group. As a Dartmouth volunteer, you may have access to information which is confidential (whether or not labeled as "confidential"). Volunteers are responsible for preserving the confidentiality of this information, and thus must observe the rules outlined below.

1. Volunteers may not violate privacy. Data can be shared with other volunteers within the core group when it is necessary to the job that the group has been tasked with. It must never be disclosed, disseminated, or published outside that group.

2. Volunteers who are privy to giving history should maintain strict confidentiality of that data. It is to be used only for the purpose of further solicitation as directed by Dartmouth and is not meant for disclosure to others or for use for any other purpose.

3. No information that you have access to by virtue of your position as a Dartmouth volunteer may be used for any purpose except as directed in connection with that volunteer work. For example, this information may not be used for advertising or solicitations for commercial services, to solicit for or promote a political candidate (even if the candidate is affiliated with Dartmouth), or to seek employment.

4. Frequent individual emails to assigned alumni, parents, students, and friends are encouraged to build rapport and solicit gifts. However, there are federal laws which apply to mass emails. Volunteers supported by Alumni Relations should use the provided tool (iModules) to send mass emails. Caution: too frequent sending of mass emails can cause your constituents to opt out of receiving future emails. Other volunteers who want to send mass emails should coordinate their request with the Office of Advancement. If you have questions about the appropriate use of mailing lists, please contact your Dartmouth staff representative.

5. Alumni have the ability to indicate data that they do not want used or published. All opt-outs will be conveyed to volunteers at the time a list is shared, and volunteers are required to honor all requests for privacy. Examples of data that could be protected may include but not be limited to marital status, date of birth, gender, home address, email address, ethnicity, phone number, information regarding family members, degrees, interests, and areas of philanthropic support.

6. The restrictions on use of information noted above will continue beyond the end of your volunteer work with Dartmouth.

Data Request Agreement 

I agree that the information supplied will be for one time use only for the purpose specified in this data request. The contents of Development’s alumni database are the sole property of Dartmouth College and are confidential. I further agree that no part of address information supplied to my organization will be transferred or sold in any form to other individuals or organizations. Undergraduates are not permitted to request alumni mailing information.